Arena Clinic
$1500 per clinic
In 2021, “Smokin’ Joe” Henderson, renowned arena player and 2x Westmont Intercollegiate Champion, Patrick Uretz, gave clinics to the intercollegiate teams.
I/I Rental String for Tournaments
$1200 per game
I/I players play on a “split string” to encourage fairness and a level playing field. Each team must rent a string when traveling to tournaments.
Intercollegiate Arena Practice
$720 per month | $4320 per season
Sponsor a college player for a month or a whole season of arena practices. Players practice 2-3 times per week and are provided with horses.
Membership and Equipment Package
$1500 per player
Assist a collegiate player with their equipment and membership fees. Includes a riding helmet, knee pads, 3 mallets, Oakley protective glasses, SBPRC membership and USPA membership.
Turnout (Vacation!) for School Pony
$400 per month/per horse
Help give the school ponies a well-needed vacation with a month of turnout in the pasture.
Arena Drag
A new drag is needed to keep the arena in tip-top shape.
Junior Tournament
$2000 per tournament (trophies for all kids, t-shirts, EMT, pizza, drinks)
In 2021, three families generously supported junior tournaments for the upcoming year. Help us continue the tradition!
Polo Training Center Santa Barbara General Fund
Polo Training Center Santa Barbara appreciates the support of our community members. The general fund is used to help offset costs throughout the year including jerseys, tournament fees, horse-related expenses, scholarships and arena maintenance.